Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Waste of a Medicated Cycle

With prescriptions in hand, I picked up the Clomid and the estrogen.  I was on the fence about the progesterone--honestly I did the worst thing possible and googled "bad side effects from progesterone." I was beyond freaked out after that and opted to not spend $100+ to mess myself up worse than what I could have already been doing with the clomid and estrogen.
Doctor wanted me to try days 5-9 instead of 3-7 for the Clomid.  As before I had little to no side effects from it.  I took the estrogen, little pink happy pills, days 8-12.  The estrogen made me feel amazing--or so I thought!  Maybe the gorgeous weather and soaking up some sun spiked my vitamin D and contributed to my great mood.  
So all sounds great right?  Well, for whatever reason my husband and I were NOT on the same page.  My ovulation predictor sticks were dead, nothing appeared to be happening.  Seriously on cycle day 12 they were so negative that if they were any lighter there'd be no line at all!  Even my temps were plummeting and my body seemed to NOT be doing anything.  We had not been able to find time or energy or desire to dtd, but on CD 13, I told my husband we better do something or we just wasted another cycle.  I thought I had missed my ovulation day as it was.  
Then the next day, CD 14 my temp bottomed out and I got a positive OPK--in the morning!  We were running late and there was just no way to squeeze anything in to the morning if we were going to make it to work on time.  We would have to wait and try that night and hope for the best and perhaps the next morning. 
We managed to accomplish the task that evening, despite both of us being exhausted, this was a Thursday.
Friday night I went to a movie with a girlfriend and we were out late talking--too late for my husband's liking.  He was mad--no dtd that night!  Saturday we ended up in a heated argument with me questioning "what in the hell we were doing this for."  Basically he was mad, or irritated might be the better description, that I we ate at the bar of a "family" oriented sports bar and grill (it was absurd and I should have realized it was a desperate attempt to say he was mad about something).  I was angry because it felt like he was accusing me of behaving inappropriately and was out "clubbing" or something!  In hindsight, I know he was annoyed that I left him home with the kids for this one night.  Before anyone thinks either of us are complete psychos or that he is a control freak (which I accused him of acting like that day) we aren't, and he isn't.  We are very much homebodies and rarely do anything unless we are together.  We prefer it that way.  My friend was going through a tough time trying to get pregnant as well and it was sort of a night out for venting and taking a break from the TTC stuff.  I intended to be home by 10pm, which he was counting on, so when 11:45 rolled around he was not happy.  In the end it boiled down to hurt feelings.
On the downside of it all we had only two notches in the TTC bedpost and that was it!  What a waste, sigh.

1 comment:

  1. How did you manage to do it? I wish I could do that too. :(
    Best Regards,
    vasectomy NC
