Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Back and Forth, Who's Fault is it?

Who's fault was it?  Maybe we just were pushing things and it wasn't in God's plan.  Maybe we weren't meant to have another baby.

June-September:  Up until my home scoping all of the BFNs were my husband's sperm were likely the problem.  Certainly his numbers were off, my cycles were looking great, temps were mostly cooperative, I was ovulating, getting positive OPKs, and our timing was great.  

October-December:  Scoping was yielding lots of swimmers, so I resigned myself to be THE problem--doc said I wasn't, but suggested giving us a little boost with Clomid.  When that didn't work, we went with the SA at the end of December.

January:  SA results were good so he could't be the problem.  Back to me.  We made a plan, I would get my tubes checked for blockages in the next couple of months, then if they were fine we would start IUI's in May.  If I wasn't pregnant by August 2012 we were going to give up (yeah right, can't believe I actually thought I could give up).

At least we had a plan, not the plan I had in mind a year earlier, but if it got me pregnant then it was a great plan.

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